“Expanding Your Audience With eCommerce Marketplaces”
Webinar by BigCommerce, Jasper PIM, and Dotdigital
Despite the upheaval caused by COVID-19 — or perhaps because of it — this is the perfect time to learn about the newest opportunities in marketing. If you are a small entrepreneur with an online business — or a bigger marketplace that sells thousands of products abroad — you’ll benefit from expanding your audience to online marketplaces. So what are the next marketing practices that can help you improve your business? How can you reach out to your desired audience and make sure to target them effectively? What are the trends of dynamic eCommerce marketplaces, and how can you implement them in your business? Join Jasper PIM’s upcoming webinar with BigCommerce and dotdigital on May 27, 2020, from 2:00 to 2:45 pm to discover more about the new dynamic of online marketplaces.The Diversity of Online Marketplaces
In the eCommerce world, customers are volatile. Whatever the size of your business, you need to find the right audience and strategize how to engage it effectively. It’s even more important today in light of COVID-19 and the shrinking opportunities for online retailers. As customers’ attention spans are short, and the diversity of products and services online is large, you need to make the most of your brand reputation and leverage the right marketing campaigns to expand your business. We’ve seen that eCommerce marketplaces from all around the world have a desire to shift to customer-centric platforms and mobile apps to reach their desired audience. Even global, multiple marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart, or eBay need to project their revenues and growth based on customer segmentation. And if you are a smaller online entrepreneur with a lower budget, you need to identify the best channels to find your customers. In a community-driven online world, customers’ voice is strong. Hence, you should leverage your presence in community-centric places to spark interest from customers. Shoppers in the US visited over 47 marketplaces with over 1 million visits in 2019, Web Retailer reports. However, there are a few challenges for online retailers and eCommerce marketplaces:- Competition is tough and customers are picky. Customers may easily turn to other retailers if you don’t entice them with the right services, products, or information.
- Prospects want to engage with a brand. They don’t need unnecessary information they can’t digest. Retailers should engage well in online conversations to keep their audience interested.
- Your website should stand out and reflect your identity so customers can identify with your brand.
Best Practices For Expanding Your Audience
We have been a leader in the PIM industry for seven years. Our unparalleled knowledge about online trends and how eCommerce marketplaces function has led us to work with established partners to leverage innovative campaigns for our clients and prospects. We know the pain points of online retailers and are on top of the trends in eCommerce marketplaces. As such, we work with BigCommerce, a leader in developing customer-centric platforms with top web hosting, SEO services, and customer groups. We’ve also partnered with top digital agency dotdigital to devise the best online acquisition and retention campaigns for your customers. Jasper PIM is holding this upcoming webinar to teach you how to shift from low-retention platforms to high-acquisition and retention channels. The program we’ve created is for retailers of all sizes to gain knowledge on audience expansion through innovative campaigns. So what can you learn in the upcoming webinar on May 27, 2020? We’ll uncover the latest trends in audience expansion for eCommerce marketplaces, such as:- Build a strong brand and develop the relevant social channels with a strong engagement strategy
- How to plan and develop your social media strategy with the right tools and launch innovative marketing campaigns to grow your audience
- Determine how best to engage your customers to spark interest and interact with them via chat, emails, or social media
- Find out about innovative platforms, channels, and tools to modernize your online channels and develop an effective content plan
- Segment your customers, launch top marketing campaigns, and grow according to the plan you’ve set up
Innovative Webinar on Expanding Your Audience

- Jasper, 15min: connecting multiple marketplaces and controlling product descriptions per marketplace, as well as being able to manage which product is sent to which eCommerce marketplaces.
- BigCommerce, 15min: why using Facebook and Google can help expand your audience reach and digital presence.
- dotdigital, 15min: send segmented emails via customer groups catering to various marketplaces. SMS and live chat.
About Jasper PIM, dotdigital, and BigCommerce
We have solidified our online presence and strategy with the best partners in global eCommerce today. Big Commerce is a top Saas company that helped many retailers achieve their desired goals. Dotdigital is a top digital company that has proven to devise the best marketing strategies for brands, retailers, and online platforms to reach sustainable growth and revenues. If you are curious about eCommerce marketplaces, customer segmentation, top marketing, and social media tactics, and want to join the next eCommerce revolution, do not miss this webinar. Find out answers to your questions, like “how do eCommerce marketplaces function?” and stand out of the crowd with a top strategy for your online brand. Register now to save your spot.